Frequently Asked Questions

About Magnolia

  • Magnolia is an AI-powered strategic planning and brief building tool built exclusively for agencies like yours. Use it to research your clients, their categories and consumers, and create strategic plans and briefs that capture new growth potential.

  • Magnolia is made exclusively for agencies and their strategic planning teams.

  • Magnolia exists to serve agencies by helping them deliver their highest quality strategy in moments. We have designed this tool with that singular mission in mind. This isn’t just an AI-powered research assistant. It’s a true thinking partner that surfaces novel ideas and insights, organized in a comprehensive strategic brief that will become the backbone of your most important creative projects.

  • We know how much time, money, and energy you spend on the brief. And we know what it feels like when you lack the time and resources necessary to fully nail the strategy for your client.

    We created Magnolia to empower agencies to deliver their absolute best work, no matter how tight the timelines and budgets. Magnolia’s insights are profound, and its research is comprehensive and thoughtfully curated. This results in a powerful strategic brief with better, more novel insights and ideas. Better briefs yield more sellable work. Better briefs keep your clients around longer. Faster brief development increases your margins.

    In this way, Magnolia empowers your team to deliver their best strategy while driving profit growth for your agency.

  • Magnolias represent new beginnings in many cultures. They’re also one of the oldest flowering plants in the world. They’ve been around for more than 95 million years. It felt apt to name our tool after something signifying the dawning of a new era, which our industry is most assuredly experiencing, while also having the stability and perseverance to stand the test of time.


Getting Started & Support

  • Some pricing tiers include a dedicated Customer Success Manager who can field your questions as they arise. But any Magnolia user can email and one of us will be in touch shortly to help.

  • Magnolia is specifically designed to follow the standard agency strategic planning and brief writing process. In short, those steps include:

    • Category and client research and competitive analysis 

    • Target audience identification and persona development

    • Profound insight & selling idea generation 

    • Tone & personality definition

    • Tactical marketing & media considerations 

    • Strategy brief development

    The best way to get a sense of the tool is to check it out for yourself. You can get started with a 30-day free trial, or email us at to schedule a customized demo.

  • We do our best to provide a seamless, bug-free user experience, but we also know that bugs are a part of the business. If something is acting strangely, contact your Customer Success Manager or email and we’ll be in touch quickly to address the issue.

  • We hope you do! You are the reason Magnolia exists and our understanding of your experience is critical to its continued evolution. If you have feedback or ideas while you’re using the tool, send them to

Collaborating with Magnolia

  • Consider Magnolia your thinking partner that supports you through the entire strategic planning and brief writing process. Use it to do your comprehensive desk research, build your target audiences and personas, and develop unique insights and selling ideas. Then use Magnolia to dive deeper into specific areas of interest for your client and project. Ask it the hard questions. Volley ideas back and forth with Magnolia until you’ve built a strategy you know represents your best thinking. It won’t take long.

  • Hard to believe, right? This is the magic of Magnolia, and it’s where we’ve spent a massive amount of dev time. Magnolia is a generative, AI-powered strategy partner that does more than aggregate a bunch of data for you to distill into insights. Magnolia deeply understands your client’s business objectives, their category, their target audiences, and their consumers. It uses this knowledge as context as it generates profound, novel insights and selling ideas you’ll actually want to use.

  • Yes. You can revise as much as you like during every step of the strategic planning process, and make final adjustments to the comprehensive strategic brief, too. 

  • This is a critical part of the experience of partnering with Magnolia. You’ll use the “Explore and Refine” feature to dig deeper into insights as you and Magnolia work together to conduct research, develop the strategy, and write the brief. Ask your hardest questions and then explore and refine the outputs until you’re ready to move on to the next step of the strategic planning and brief writing process. 


  • You can check out the direct sources anytime. At the bottom of each research page, we include a list of clickable sources that informed the research.

  • Your data is safe with Magnolia. None of our users’ inputs are used to train any AI model of any kind at any time. And all user accounts are separate and private from one another.

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